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Can movement help in the classroom?

By March 26, 2019No Comments


Lockers aligned with caption "movement (or lack thereof) in the classroom

Making more time for movement


The traditional ideas around a classroom being still, quiet and focused are well and truly making their way out the window. Even though it is important for students to practice healthy habits of attentiveness and productiveness, it is also important to know how best to encourage better results. The rigor of study for children in the modern classroom can correlate to stress-related symptoms, which can have an overall effect on a child’s wellbeing and ability to retain daily learnings. A stressful outcome for not only the child but also the teachers and parents involved. 


As a teacher, you are probably already aware of the impacts that movement can have on a classroom. Having a break to get up and move around increases blood flow to the brain, making activity vital to learning. Play and movement give children to chance to release stress and give their minds a moment to release tension that may be an overwhelming factor to their learning abilities.

Primary school classroom engaging with EC2D dance tutorial to break up the learning day

Classroom taking a movement break to encourage better learning

Using media in the classroom that encourages movement is an easy and approachable way to introduce movement breaks. It’s a way that children get a chance to express and release any feelings of tensions and stress that might be detracting from their quality of work.